In the age of iPhones, iPads, Lumias & tablets, the online user is increasingly using devices other than PC to surf the web. In fact, a 2015 article by The Guardian reports that smartphones are now the most popular way to browse the internet. With a third of online visits via smartphones alone, let alone tablets & other devices, websites need to be optimized for all kinds of screens.
In case of responsive websites, the design and the screen size of the website changes as per the screen size and the scripting abilities of the devices. Google’s last year’s update, mobilegeddon made it even more important than ever for websites to be mobile‐friendly. This means sites that require a minimum of scrolling, resizing and navigation. The search engine gave a massive push to website owners by announcing that only mobile‐friendly sites would now rank high in mobile search results.
At FSC Private Limited, we use the latest technology including Bootstrap for a responsive design & build.
We tell you what, your loss is your competitor’s gain. Get responsive web design Services today!