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Category: Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Tips for Startups

Actualizing a venture is an exhilarating experience. Adding to the trouble are the expeditious marketing solutions that are not only vital for your startup but also require massive funding. Frankly speaking, most of these bootstrapped startups operate on a miniscule budget and it’s not possible for them to shell out hefty sums to invest into digital marketing.

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Digital Marketing As A Career


In the last 5 years, digital marketing has seen a colossal boom. Digitization is getting more and more popular and digital marketing skills are in serious demand. Studies by Digital Marketing Association state that digital marketing industry is worth $62billion. Also, advertising via mobile phones saw a whopping 180% increase just in the previous year. So, if you’re looking to break into the digital marketing industry, there could be no better time than this. All it takes is a spark of creativity and a knack for the internet.

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PM’s Vision Of A Digital India

The changing times require for a change in outlook. In a world where internet and digital media is ruling the roost, our esteemed Prime Minister who is hailed as a visionary has launched a plan known as ‘Digital India’. The campaign launched by Shri Narendra Modi on 2nd July 2015 ensures that all govt. services are made available to its citizens online.

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Facebook: An Influential Marketing Tool

Social media has undoubtedly proven itself to be a powerful medium in connecting people from all over the world and no one rules the world of social media better than facebook. It has everyone hooked, line and sinker. Chances are you would skip your morning tea or coffee but never miss out on checking your facebook page.

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