5 Ways to Optimize Your WordPress Website For Business Growth

Posted On :April 15, 2022
/Categorized In : Responsive Website Design / Search Engine Optimization / Social Media Optimization / Web Designing / Web Development / Website Designing Company in Delhi / website optimization / Wordpress Optimization / WordPress Website
/Written By : FSC
The look and functionality of your website shall define; how you, your brand and your product and services will and feel like to the outside world. Thus, it is important that it should be impressive and attractive. Its smoothness and ease of surfing define that will your intended customer stay on its pages or not and then finally make a purchase or not. Thus, the aspects of web design and wordpress website optimization are hand in glove with all your business growth strategies in terms of your online presence.
Technically speaking, your website is a collection of code, images, content, and functionalities that together make do your digital store; sans a physically present salesperson to push your products or services to your customers. But, all of them have their own set of intricacies that influence the work ability and look and feel of your website.
If your WordPress website takes too long to load or become completely functional, you may lose up approximately 50 percent of user interest. We would advise using Google PageSpeed Insights to know the real time that your website generally takes to get uploaded.
Apart from the smoothness, it should seem trustworthy enough to enable your intended customer to become a real customer. These simple steps that could go a long in optimizing your website’s custom WordPress design for a positive market growth:
1. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or SEO: This is the most important aspect of website design. Each page of your website should be made technically sound to be easily found by a search engine (typically Google). There should be appropriate tags and meta tags attached to each page.
A searchable .xml file should also be attached. The most searched keywords in the context of your company and its industry placement are also very important to be well-placed and updated on time. Apart from the text content, your images should also be optimized to increase the search-ability factor of your pages.
2. PLUGINS: In a WordPress website design, mostly all added functionalities require appropriate plugins. Technically stating, ‘Plugins’ are small code packets developed to perform certain functionality. More the plugins, heavier the website and more the time it shall take to upload. Remove ignorable plugins from your website. Also try and use lighter versions of plugins, if available.
3. HOSTING PLAN: Your ‘host servers’ actually store your website pages. Thus, their speed and reliability are important for a good and fast website development. Chose a good (fast and a higher data transfer plan) and reliable host plan for your website to build upon.
4. THEME: You could opt for free or premium WordPress themes to build your website on. We know that the look of your website is important. But, try and chose a theme that is lightest in terms of required data for faster website upload.
5. DELETE: As is with a computer processor, your WordPress web development space also tends to store copies of your draft pages, unused images, older website pages, etc. which you may no longer require. But, they pile up on your website data and make it heavier. Thus, it is recommended to empty your website trash as and when possible, for a better user experience.
Connect with FSC Pvt. Ltd to know more in this context.
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