Creating Device Specific PPC Campaign for ROI
Posted On :November 22, 2017
/Categorized In : Google Adwords / PPC ADS
/Written By : Shabana Gandhi
PPC or Pay per Click campaign is a way of internet marketing that helps in generating clicks towards our website which brings in traffic to the web portal by the usage of appropriate keywords related to the products or the services on the web page.
Difference Between Static And Dynamic Website?
Posted On :November 8, 2017
/Categorized In : Web Designing / Web Development
/Written By : FSC
Even beginners are probably on hearing such phrases as “static site” and “dynamic site.” But what exactly do these phrases mean and what is the difference between static and dynamic web pages, what are the advantages of this or that kind of site? Let’s not be guessing with you, but just sort it out.