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October 2016 - FSC Pvt. Ltd

Month: October 2016

Things To Keep In Mind While Selecting A WordPress Theme – II

Last time we talked of how wordpress is no more just a blog creating platform but is vastly popular amongst users as a preferable site for making websites. Also it provides its users with an array of themes and plugins which though brilliant can leave one scratching their head while trying to choose a theme for their website. So we had compiled a list of points that need to be kept in mind while choosing a theme and here are the remaining few points that the previous blog didn’t cover.

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Things To Keep In Mind While Selecting A WordPress Theme – I

When the name WordPress crops up, the first thing that people think of is that it is just a blogging platform. This is due to the fact that most people are unaware of the fact that WordPress is also used for creating websites and mobile platform. Flexible and very easy to use, this free software has around 2600+ themes and 31000+ plugins.

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